Our Team brings together a wide variety of specialized professionals, enthusiasts and passion driven graduates of technical, design, financial, engineering and construction studies from well-known national and international universities such as Architecture Academy of Bucharest, Ecole Nationale Superierure d’Arts et Metiers (ENSAM), Universitatea Tehnica de Constructii Bucuresti (UTCB) and Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti (ASE) with international technical master degrees in their field and wide experience in design and execution.
Our leading managing partners have more than 25 years international and national experience in the field of project management, constructions, foreign investments, real estate developments, technical projects, financial and business planning, financial management, administration and business operations, commercial mediation and tender processes providing strategic guidance and support to our team, clients and customers.
IT & Network infrastructure
Glass Partitions and amovible walls
Flooring Solutions
Maintenace Services
Str. Grigore Gafencu nr 78-84, E2, sector 1, București, Romania